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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Electric charcoal starter

Electric charcoal starter

A kind of new way to light your charcoal is using an electric charcoal starter.
BBQ grill charcoal starter

To ensure a proper use, you should arrange a charcoal pyramid.
Afterwards you plug your electric charcoal starter into power supply and hold it into your charcoal pyramid. After a few minutes, your charcoals should start burning and glowing.
When they do so, you can take out the electric charcoal starter and wait until the charcoal is covered with white ashes.
Using an electrical charcoal starter is combinable with using a chimney.

Pros of using an electric charcoal starter:

-Easy in use
-No chemicals
-No smoke

Cons of using an electric charcoal starter:

-With ~100US$, they are expensive
-Not suitable for outdoor BBQs because of the need of power